The training materials in this section are designed to be used in tandem with the Tier 1 School-Wide training materials to provide building PBIS coaches with the depth of knowledge and coaching skills necessary to facilitate PBIS implementation. Training is only one component of a comprehensive model of support for schools. This model should also include coaching, technical assistance, and data-based decision-making supports.
The NEPBIS Network comprehensive model is composed of full-day team trainings, coaches’ trainings, networking, on-site technical assistance, and consultation over three years.
District-level support is a key factor for sustainability and should be considered as schools begin implementation.
The following materials are organized into a three year training model.
Year 1 focuses on the exploration and installation of a PBIS framework through 10 Getting Started Steps (see image, right).
Year 2 supports team & coaches with initial implementation.
Year 3 shifts to more sharing across schools as they move towards full implementation and continuous improvement.
The accompanying Tier 1 Implementation Guide (right) can be used by school teams to guide and document their implementation overtime.
Intended audience: personnel who provide TA and training in PBIS implementation (e.g. trainers, state and district-level coaches).
These materials have been designed to meet some of the accessibility standards within Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and Section 255 of the Communications Act including font color and size, color contrast, and table/list formatting. Information about increasing accessibility can be found here:
Coach training is designed to be provided prior to team training to prepare coaches to lead their teams.
Click on the buttons to access the presentation slide decks. The content focus is listed below each button.
Coaching Focus: Understanding the purpose and role of coaches
Skill Building: PBIS Overview, Fidelity & Outcome data tools
Coaching Focus: Effectively facilitating team meetings
Skill Building: Advanced understanding of behavior, Preparing for the TFI
Coaching Focus: Year 1 Check-in and planning for next year
Skill Building: Data routines, Staff engagement & PD
Click on the buttons to access the presentation slide decks. The content focus is listed below each button.
Coaching Focus: Types of coaching
Skill Building: Precise Problems and Outcomes, SWIS Drill Down, TIPS Model
Coaching Focus: Coaching collegues
Skill Building: Equity
Coaching Focus: Year 2 Check-in and planning for next year
Skill Building: Classroom Systems & Data; Glows & Grows
This NEPBIS Training of Trainers (ToT) consists of a combination of training events, supported training activities, and participation in an ongoing network of support leading to endorsement as an NEPBIS Trainer.
The NEPBIS recognition program for school districts implementing PBIS throughout the northeast.