The Tier 1 training modules in this section support district and school-based teams with initial implementation and sustainability of school-wide PBIS. It is important to note that training is one component of a comprehensive model of support for districts and schools. This model should also include coaching, technical assistance, and data-based decision-making supports. The NEPBIS Network comprehensive model is composed of full day team trainings, coaches trainings, networking, on-site technical assistance, and consultation over three years.
Training materials, including power points, the getting started workbook, and appendices include: district mapping of current structures in systems to develop multi-year action plans towards adopting and implementing evidence-based, equitable, and culturally relevant practices; a readiness assessment for training at the whole school level; school-wide universal PBIS training for teams; customized, on-site job embedded support; and training in data systems and analysis.
The following materials are organized into a three year training model. Year 1 focuses on getting started with building a PBIS framework. Year 2, initial implementation and enhancement of a school and districts framework becomes the focus. Lastly, in year 3 the focus shifts to more sharing and comparing across schools to support ongoing sustainability.
School-wide Tier 1 Training Materials
Tier 1 training slide decks for initial implementation (Years 1-3) including getting started steps, implementation supports, and sustainability.
Team Training Resources & Supplemental Materials
Tier 1 workbook and related materials that providing school leadership teams with a guide in implementation and ongoing planning.