How do we support students who need advanced behavior support?

Even when Tier 1 Classroom PBIS practices are implemented with fidelity, about 20% of students will require additional support. When students do not respond to the universal behavior support practices in place within the classroom, educators can provide targeted intensification of their proactive practices such as prompts, specific feedback, and reteaching of social-emotional-behavioral skills (Tier 2). Students with significant behavior needs may need individualized support plans (Tier 3). The Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) in the Classroom guide provides guidance on how to implement advanced behavior support within the classroom.
Learn more about advanced behavior support within the classroom by exploring the resources below.
Monitor Educator Implementation

Before we can fully understand student advanced behavior support needs, we need to first ensure Classroom PBIS practices are being delivered effectively and with fidelity. Learn more here!

Monitor Student Outcomes
Once you know that Classroom PBIS practices are being implemented effectively, evaluate student needs and develop a data-based precise problem statement. These resources provide insight into how to gather the data you need.
Tier 2 Classroom PBIS
Once you understand the problem or student needs, you can provide targeted intensification of Classroom PBIS practices. Click on the links to learn more.
Tier 3 Classroom PBIS
When student behavior needs are not responsive to Tier 1 and Tier 2 support intensive, individualized support is required. Educators, in coordination with a broader school-level team, can develop student-specific, data-based behavior support plans to enhance positive student outcomes. Learn more about how to provide this level of behavior support through these resources.

Need a refresher on the core features of Classroom PBIS along with resources to learn more about them?

Once you know what the Classroom PBIS practices are, find out how to know if you are implementing them consistently and equitably!