School-Wide PBIS
1. Getting Started with Tier 1: School-wide and Classroom PBIS
Presenter: George Sugai
2. Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) Statewide Strategy Plan to Address School Discipline and Disproportionality
Presenters: Kim Traverso & Charlene Russell-Tucker
3. SWPBS Symposium: SWPBS Implementation Exemplars
General Session Materials:
Presenters: Dennis Jones, Matthew Meehan, Jared Converse, & Laura Balan (Weymouth Public Schools)
Brandi Kwong, Kerry Calobrisi, David Lacroix, Carl Derubis, Brendon Parker, & John Croker (Methuen Public Schools)
Jennifer Scarpati, Andrea Canny, & Sarah Ledoux (Nashua School District)
Michelle Atter, Thomas Paine, Jennifer Massey, & Lisa Santimore (Memorial School, Winchenden School District)
4. Separating Buzz from Best Practice in Being Trauma-Informed in Schools
Presenters: Sandra Chafouleas & Taylor Koriakin